What is the best time to exercise? (Research-Based!)

Ankit Srivastava
3 min readSep 23, 2021

In this fast-paced day and age, making time for exercise can be a bit challenging. With the advancement of technology, we cannot help ourselves much but sit for hours at a stretch staring at our screens.

Doesn’t matter whether you are an IT professional working in a company, a work-from-home employee, or just a lazy ass on the couch, the rules that govern your overall health remain the same.

Whether you are a night owl or an early bird, fixing exercise time is very crucial to get the best results.

So without wasting any time, let’s dive straight into the topic: “What is the best time to exercise in the day?”


There are various research conducted over the period of time which says that if you exercise on an empty stomach in the morning then you are more likely to burn fat easily from your body because the glycogen stores are empty and the body uses the energy stored as fats during the exercise.

Working out in the morning also gives a feeling of accomplishment at the start of the day and makes you feel positive after your brain releases endorphins and dopamine after sweating out.

One more argument that favors workout in the morning is that if you work out in the evening then it might hinder your sleep because a workout increases your heart rate and increases your body’s temperature which is a go-to invitation to insomnia.


  • You can burn fat easily.
  • You’ll get a good quality sleep at night.
  • Kickstarts the day with feel-good hormones.
  • You’ll not feel drowsy after waking up.


  • You have to be an early bird.
  • Chances of injury.
  • Nutrition/Energy deficiency.


So you don’t like waking up early in the morning and sweating it out then perhaps you are an evening guy who takes his own time in prepping his meals and checking in to the gym.

While it is beneficial to work out in the mornings, evenings have their own benefits. First of all, you’ll not sacrifice your sleep and have a good eye shut.

In research, it was found that our energy levels and body temperature is at their peak from 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. That means that you can use this energy to the best of your advantage by sweating it out in this time frame.

Other perks include longer workout sessions because you already would have completed other important tasks till the end of the day. That means you’ll spend an ample amount of time on your pre and post-workout stretches.


  • Higher energy levels.
  • Sufficient nutritional intake.
  • Fewer chances of injury.
  • The body is highly prepared for workout stress.


  • Excuses about skipping a workout because for n number of reasons.
  • You’ll get a crowded gym.
  • Might affect the quality of your sleep.


Whether it is good to exercise in the morning or the evening is the best to rest to an individual choice. There is no plain statement that can prescribe you to work out at a fixed time.

Although there are both pros and cons to working out at both times you are the perfect judge to choose between either of them.

What matters more is to stick to a workout time and then actually follow it every damn day because at the end of the day it is what matters the most!!!



Ankit Srivastava

A Freelance writer who brags his writing skills through articles that make you think. You are just an email away: ankitwrites30@gmail.com